Tot Take a Test Over Again Prefix

The prefix RE means once again or back. It is commonly used with verbs to mean "Practise THAT VERB AGAIN."

  • Redo – Practice once again – verb
  • Refill – Fill again – verb
  • Remake – Make again – verb
  • Reunion – A social occasion to see quondam friends over again once again – noun
  • Reusable – ​that can exist used again – adjective

In this post, yous will learn more than 60 common words that employ the prefix RE.

Learn with case sentences so you can see how they are used in natural conversation.

The prefix RE can exist added to verbs, nouns, and adjectives.

Verb REDO – I made a error in my experiment. I have to redo it.
Noun RE-Election – The Mayor is up for re-election.
Adjective REUSABLE – I bought a reusable coffee loving cup to utilize at Starbucks.

  • The Prefix RE meaning
  • VERBS with the prefix RE
  • NOUNS with the prefix RE
  • ADJECTIVES with the prefix RE
  • Bonus one PDF
  • Bonus 2 The Prefix RE video
    (Review this lesson in a fun way that improves your listening skills)

The Prefix RE meaning

What is a prefix? – A prefix is a letter or group of letters added to the beginning of a word to change its significant

The Prefix RE = again or dorsum. RE changes the meanings of the root words, most often to mean: root word again.

RE + do = Redo
Redo means – do again

The prefix re – Case words with examples sentences

95% of the meanings in this postal service come from Oxford Learner'southward Dictionaries

This is a true list of words that add RE to some other word. All the vocabulary on my list are proper root words whose meaning becomes – root word again later adding the prefix RE.

I did not include words like answer, echo, or recall. (Their meanings are not ply, peat, or fellow member again!) I want this post to help ESL students hands increase their vocabulary and help ESL teachers go some helpful content they can use with their ain students.

The vocabulary list has three sections. Common verbs, nouns, and adjectives that utilize the prefix RE. Of course, no list is complete. The verb department is the longest just it is still but a guide.

Every word has an example sentence to aid you utilise these words in your own English conversations.

VERBS with the prefix RE

  • Readjust – to get used to a inverse or new situation [A new situation causes us to suit again]
    • People will have to readjust to going back to work afterwards the pandemic.
  • Reapply – to put another layer of a substance on a surface
    • If you sweat a lot yous should reapply sunscreen every 45 minutes.
  • Rearrange – to change the position or social club of things; to change your position
    • Every few years I like to rearrange my office, it feels new and fresh afterward I do this.
  • Reboot – the act of starting a calculator, smartphone, etc. once again immediately subsequently y'all have switched it off
    • My computer issues can exist stock-still if you lot just reboot your PC.
  • Reborn – to exist born again
    • If you could be reborn as whatever animal, which animal would y'all be?
  • Rebuild – to build or put something together again
    • Later the typhoon, I rebuilt my garage with the help of my friends.
  • Recall – to remember something
    • I think I've seen this movie before but I tin can't call back how it ends.
  • Reconnect – to connect something once more; to connect to something once again
    • After the plumber installed the new pipes he reconnected the water supply.
  • Recharge –  to fill a battery with electrical power; to be filled with electrical power
    • My new telephone can fully recharge in just fifteen minutes.
  • Recreate – to brand something that existed in the past exist or seem to be again
    • The creative person recreates famous paintings with merely an iPad.
  • Recycle – to treat things that have already been used so that they can be used again
    • Call back to follow the 3 R's – Reduce, reuse and recycle.
  • Redefine – to change the nature or limits of something; to make people consider something in a new way
    • The new contract redefines my duties and responsibilities. I wait frontward to having more than responsibleness at the visitor.
  • Redirect – to apply something, for example coin, in a different mode or for a different purpose
    • The local government has redirected coin to support local businesses affected by the state of emergency.
  • Redouble –  to increase something or make information technology stronger
    • The squad will have to redouble its efforts to go this project completed on schedule.
  • Redraw – to make changes to something such as the borders of a country or region, a program, an arrangement, etc.
    • After the war, Europe looked very different. The map of Europe was completely redrawn.
  • Re-elect – to elect somebody again
    • Justin Trudeau was just re-elected Prime number Minister of Canada.
  • Redo – do again
    • I'm not happy with the custom images I made for this weblog. I demand to redo them.
  • Refinance – to borrow money in order to pay a debt
    • Neil refinanced his mortgage to assist pay off his credit card debt.
  • Refill – fill once again
    • At Mister Donut they will refill your coffee for free. You tin can potable as much coffee as you desire!
  • Refocus – to give attending, effort, etc. to something new or different
    • After 3 weeks of work with nothing to bear witness I decided to step back and refocus my efforts.
  • Reformat – to give a new format to a computer disk
    • Later on I reformatted my calculator'southward hard drive information technology was working like new again.
  • Refresh – to make somebody experience less tired or less hot
    • I took a walk downward to the beach to refresh myself.
  • Regroup –  (of a person) to return to a normal state subsequently an unpleasant experience or a period of difficulty, and go ready to make an effort once again with new enthusiasm or strength
    • A trip to the mountain resort helped me regroup after a difficult few months.
  • Reheat – to estrus cooked food again after it has been left to go cold
    • I always reheat pizza in a frying pan on the stove, not in the microwave.
  • Reinterpret – to interpret something in a new or unlike way
    • I like the mode the director has reinterpreted this classic story and made something original.
  • Reintroduce – to kickoff to use something again
    • The regime is planning to reintroduce bus service across the downtown cadre of the city.
  • Reinvest –  to put profits that have been made on an investment back into the same investment or into a new one
    • Smart investors reinvest the money they brand on their original investments.
  • Relearn – to learn (something) again
    • After the car blow, Terry had to relearn how to walk.
  • Relive – to experience something again, especially in your imagination
    • Victims of set on ofttimes take to relive their experience when they testify in court. It can exist difficult.
  • Reload – to put more than bullets into a gun, more than film into a camera, etc.
    • An advantage to digital cameras is we never have to reload movie.
  • Remake – to brand a new or different version of something such as an old film or song; to make something over again
    • The 1990 film 'Total Recall' starring Arnold Schwarzenegger was remade in 2012.
  • Remix – to make a new version of a recorded slice of music by using a machine to arrange the split up parts of the recording in a different way, add new parts, etc.
    • After a band records a song the producers will remix it in the studio and effort to brand information technology sound fifty-fifty meliorate.
  • Remodel – to change the structure or shape of something
    • I plan to remodel my office this Spring.
  • Rename – to give somebody/something a new proper noun
    • The city wants to rename the streets downtown.
  • Renew – to begin something over again afterwards information technology stopped or was interrupted
    • I need to renew my driver'south license every four years.
  • Reorder – to ask somebody to supply you with more of a product
    • The restaurant needs to reorder paper coffee cups every week.
  • Reorganize – ​to change the way in which something is organized or washed
    • Every Spring I reorganize my closet. I have a lot of apparel!
  • Repaint – to cover with a new coat of paint
    • I want to repaint the spare room before we have guests this Christmas.
  • Replant – institute (a tree or plant which has been dug upwards) again, especially in a larger pot or new site.
    • The tree was replanted further away from the street.
  • Replay – to play again a video, music recording or video game
    • The police replayed the security video several times and then they could get a clear idea of what happened.
  • Resell – to sell something that you have bought
    • The store will buy your old clothes and then resell them for a profit.
  • Reset – to identify something in the correct position over again
    • After I bankrupt my leg it took the doctor an hour to reset the bone.
  • Restart – to beginning once again
    • My computer bug tin can be fixed if yous but restart your PC.
  • Restock – to fill up something with new or different things to supervene upon those that take been used, sold, etc.; to get a new supply of something
    • Town wildlife experts restock the local lakes with fish every Spring.
  • Resupply – to give somebody new supplies of something they need; to requite something to somebody again in a different grade
    • Large cruise ships have to resupply several times on long trips.
  • Retake – to accept an exam or a examination once more, usually after failing it the commencement time
    • My teacher is giving me a gamble to retake the test because I was ill terminal calendar week.
  • Reuse – to use something over again
    • I try to reuse quondam plastic containers and then they don't get in the garbage.
  • Revisit – to return to an idea or a bailiwick and hash out it once again
    • I like your idea. Let'due south revisit information technology after we finish our current project.
  • Revive – to become, or to make somebody/something become, witting or salubrious and strong again
    • The flowers soon revived after giving them lots of water and placing them in the sun.
  • Rewire – to put new electrical wires into a building or slice of equipment
    • The electricians rewired the whole building.
  • Rewrite – to write something once more in a unlike mode, ordinarily in society to better it or considering in that location is some new information
    • I have written many English language weblog posts. I often update and rewrite older posts to make them more helpful.
  • Rework – to make changes to something in guild to ameliorate information technology or make it more suitable
    • The ring is reworking some of their older songs for the new album.

NOUNS with the prefix RE

  • Recall – the ability to remember something that you lot have learned or something that has happened in the past [to telephone call a memory once again]
    • The patient lost some recall after the caput injury.
  • Redefinition – the human activity of changing the nature or limits of something; the human activity of making people consider something in a new way
    • The new contract was a redefinition of my role with the visitor.
  • Re-didactics – the procedure of instruction somebody to think or carry in a new or different fashion
    • The regime set up upwards a communist style re-education center for children.
  • Refill – another drinkable of the same type
    • Can I get a refill, please?
  • Remake – a new or different version of an old film or vocal
    • The remake of 'Total Call up' in 2012 was okay, but I adopt the original.
"Remember that the noun Call back is to remember something that has happened in the past
  • Rematch – a lucifer or game played once again betwixt the aforementioned people or teams
    • As before long as the fight was over the winner offered his opponent a rematch. He wants to evidence that his win was not luck.
  • Remix – a new version of a recorded slice of music made past using a machine to arrange the carve up parts of the recording in a different fashion, add together new parts, etc.
    • I just heard a remix of my favorite song. It's good!
  • Reprint – an act of printing more copies of a book because all the others take been sold
    • This novel simply had it's 5th reprint. It is very popular.
  • Rerun – ​a tv plan that is shown once again
    • Most Networks just show reruns during the summer. They don't make any new shows.
  • Resale – the sale to another person of something that you have bought
    • Honda makes quality cars. They have a loftier resale value.
  • Reunion – a social occasion or party attended by a group of people who take not seen each other for a long fourth dimension
    • I met many old friends at my loftier school reunion. It was so much fun to come across them again and take hold of up.

ADJECTIVES with the prefix RE

  • Reborn – ​having get active once again
    • The land has a reborn vision of social democracy.
  • Reusable – that tin can exist used again
    • I always bring reusable chopsticks to Japanese fashion fast food restaurants. I don't like to use disposable products. It makes unnecessary garbage.

The Prefix RE – Conclusion

The prefix RE means again or dorsum. It is used a lot with verbs to hateful "Exercise THAT VERB Over again." I hope that the definitions and examples have helped you understand this prefix and given you the tools to use information technology in your own English conversations.

Do you accept any chances to apply this prefix?
Practise you lot use English often?

Tell me in the comments! As well, let me know which other prefixes you lot would like me to teach in a future blog post.

Thank you for using World English Blog and I wait forrad to reading your comments 🙂

The Prefix RE – PDF

The Prefix RE- Video review

Below are some more helpful posts that use Prefixes and Suffixes to aid you quickly increase your English language vocabulary.

Quickly Learn vocabulary – Root words with prefixes and suffixes

How to Increment your English vocabulary with the suffix ~PROOF

Acquire the suffix ~OUS and Increase your vocabulary

How to utilize the suffix -ISH *Increase vocabulary +video

How to use the suffix EN Increase vocabulary + video

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